Wednesday 19th February

Keighley to Skipton (photo 8 of 78)

Booth's swing bridge (Bridge 195)



Only just past this bridge - look out for a little path on your left. walk down this path a short way and you'll see a lime-kiln built against the canal bank retaining wall. In need of a bit of TLC but a great surviving piece of industrial archaeology. On the opposite bank, look out for sanstone escarpments which have been quarried in the past and for what is now a concrete coped mooring on the opposite bank where the quarried stone was once loaded to barges.

Comment by Mike Short - 22nd June 2009

Over the bridge the track leads to what is now Riddlesden golf course (closed).

And on the towpath end of the bridge is now a post bearing waymarkers for Silsden Strolls (

Comment by Allan - 17th July 2018

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